Uporabljamo različne piškotke, ki jih najdete v spodnjem izboru. Potrebni piškotki so nujni za delovanje našega spletnega mesta in so zato privzeto nastavljeni. Vsi ostali piškotki nam pomagajo oblikovati našo spletno ponudbo v skladu z vašimi potrebami in jo nenehno izboljševati. Statistični piškotki nam z anonimnim zbiranjem informacij pomagajo razumeti, kako obiskovalci komunicirajo z našim spletnim mestom. Trženjski piškotki nam omogočajo izboljšanje predlaganih izdelkov na našem spletnem mestu. Te piškotke lahko upravljate tako, da kliknete spodnji gumb. Do nastavitev lahko kadar koli dostopate na našem spletnem mestu in jih ustrezno spremenite.
Za več informacij si oglejte naš pravilnik o zasebnosti .
Od 18
Naslednje strani so namenjene samo odraslim. Z VSTOPOM potrjujete, da ste stari vsaj 18 let.
Naj gre za ovratnico iz plemenitega usnja v barvi krokodila, pasjo ovratnico z bodicami ali ovratnico puppy z bodicami. Bad puppy Kolekcija ne pušča ničesar, kar bi si bilo treba želeti.
Looking for a BDSM collar that will turn heads? You probably want the unique coloration of the Noblesse BDSM Leather Collar and its matching leash. The deep, dark wine red is simply gorgeous while the matching leash ensures your entire kinky ensemble will match.
Beauty doesn’t replace functionality, though, and the Noblesse BDSM Leather Collar set works great for bondage as well! With its lightweight, mostly-unpadded design, it doesn’t weigh down the wearer, and the finished interior lining means that it doesn’t feel scratchy or aggravating – even when you’re sweaty.
While I have a few qualms with it (like the 3 D-ring placement on the front of the collar being a bit close together), they’re mostly minor “quality of life” improvements that don’t affect the general functionality of this collar, and that is:
It’s a beautiful, high-quality, durable collar that will work fantastic for almost all general BDSM uses – especially if you’re looking for something to simply use to lead your partner around for hours on end.
i have this collar i wear it often as possible all day around the house even doing household chores . It is really comfortable and Master loves me wearing it.