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NoPacha Dominus - pas čistosti za moške

Funkcionalen, odporen proti pobegu, fascinanten v podrobnostih: vaš Sub ne bo navdušen. NoPacha Dominus je pravi pas čistosti za moške.

Več informacij


na voljo

    Več informacij

    Funkcionalen, odporen proti pobegu, fascinanten v podrobnostih: vaša Sub ne bo navdušena. NoPacha Dominus je pravi pas čistosti za moške.

    Naj bo penis vašega ubogljivega partnerja tam, kjer mu pripada ... Za rešetkami!

    Trdo jeklo neomajno objame njegov najboljši kos in že v zarodku zatre vsak namig na erekcijo - dominantne sanje, ki jim ni treba ostati, če imate pri roki NoPacha Dominus!


    Ta mali črv si ne zasluži biti svoboden, zato ga držite v tesni kletki! Vaš partner bo nemočen in obupan, ko boste njegov penis prisilili v to omejevalno napravo za čistost.


    S pripomočkom NoPacha Dominus samo vi odločate, kdaj se lahko vaš Sub prepusti svojemu poželenju!


    Izbirate lahko med tremi velikostmi O-obročkov, odvisno od tega, kako udobno želite, da je vaš suženj. Notranji sistem zaklepanja zagotavlja popolno estetiko brez nadležne ključavnice.


    Več podrobnosti:


    • Jekleni pas čistosti za moške
    • Dimenzije: obročki 40, 45 in 50 mm, kletka za penis je dolga 60 mm. premer 33 mm.
    • Material: nerjaveče jeklo
    • Vgrajen sistem zaklepanja z dvema ključema
    • NoPacha™ je registrirana blagovna znamka podjetja MEO
    • K našim pasovom čistosti priporočamo naš izdelek CUMELOT za občasno prisilno razstrupljanje in naš negovalni gel PLOWBOY.
    • Vas zanimajo teme, kot so varen pas čistosti za moške, najboljši pas čistosti, kletka za penis ali poceni pas čistosti? Ali pa želite izvedeti, kje kupiti pas čistosti? Potem ste tukaj, v MEO-jevi spletni trgovini s pasovi čistosti! Veliko izbiro pasov čistosti za moške, kletk za penis in informacij o inteligentnem pasu čistosti z aplikacijo za upravljanje prek mobilnega telefona, tako imenovanem pasu čistosti CELLMATE, najdete TUKAJ pri MEO.

    To bi vas lahko zanimalo tudi:



    Locked up

    I saw this on a website, a master had his boy's equipment locked in this little chastity device. When I saw it on MEO, I ordered it.
    The first night I secured the device, locked it and went to bed. After a bit of time getting used to it, which wasn't difficult because
    it is quite comfortable, I fell asleep and had a good night. I awoke with my cock trying to get hard, it was morning wood and my cock
    was trapped. I had to pee and with the device I sat on the toilet, my cock being as hard as it could get, peeing was actually
    slightly painful. After, my cock eased up a bit as I got back into bed, but then all I could think of was of my prisoned cock, and that
    got me horny again. The pressure on my cock was quite intense and the whole device was pulling on my balls because of my horny
    state. It's a great toy, and the size is perfect as the penis has no room to get an erection.

    • 3 od 3 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

    Entkommen unmöglich

    Wenn der Penis so hinter Gittern ist, gibt es eben Chance mehr sich selber zu streicheln. Und der Keuschheitsgürtel macht wirklich einen sehr guten Eindruck. Ein Entkommen ist jedenfalls unmöglich.

    • 3 od 3 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

    Very comfortable

    Here are my early impressions of my new "NOPACHA DOMINUS". Right out of the box, I see how short it is, but it looks well-made, smooth and sturdy. The gap between the cage and the base ring looks rather narrow and I wonder how that will feel. I like the horizontally-placed lock cylinder, which appears fairly unobtrusive, and I like the two positioning pins on either side of the lock cylinder. Once on, the device feels comfortable and I fill the cage completely even when flaccid, which is desirable for ease of urination. After a couple of days locked in the cage, the device is still very comfortable, though with a caveat that I mention below. The narrow gap doesn't seem to be a problem. It's only about 1/4 inch. The spacing on the underside looked even narrower so it's a very tight fit down there. There is no gaping at all between the cage and the base ring. I am completely confident that my balls cannot escape. The package includes three base rings measuring 1.5, 1.75 and 2 inches, though how anyone could wear the 1.5 inch ring with such a narrow gap to the cage, I am not sure. (I'm wearing 1.75.)

    • 4 od 4 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

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    NoPacha Dominus - pas čistosti za moške

    NoPacha Dominus - pas čistosti za moške

    Funkcionalen, odporen proti pobegu, fascinanten v podrobnostih: vaš Sub ne bo navdušen. NoPacha Dominus je pravi pas čistosti za moške.

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